Service Projects

Here are a few details about the Service Projects that the Port Carling Lions are engaged with every year. For any questions about any of these projects, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

Student Bursaries - DEADLINE FOR THIS YEAR WAS December 22, 2024. Watch for details for next year.

If you are student presently enrolled in post secondary education, and your home is in the geographical region served by Port Carling Lions Club, and you are 21 years of age or younger as of December 31, you are eligible to apply for Port Carling Lions Club student bursary. Application forms become available each year in the fall or early winter and are required to be filled out in full and returned by the posted date in December to be considered. Application forms are not accepted after the posted date. Forms will be made available by email at

Christmas Lights Display - mid November through December.
Enjoy the North Pole village display in front of the library at 69 Joseph St., Port Carling.

Hanna Park Skating -  weather dependent, January to March

The skating area is managed by the Port Carling Lions Club and is run by volunteers just like you! Come join us!


Beer and Liquor Bottle Returns - year round

Keep those wine, liquor, and beer bottles and cans out of the landfill by donating them to the Port Carling Lions Club! Returnable bottles and cans (please note that we cannot accept pop or other cans, bottles, and jars) can be left at the signed collection area at the Eveleigh Road transfer station in Port Carling. 

Roadside cleanup - spring

The members of the Port Carling Lions Club and supporters help to keep our community litter-free by picking up trash along a stretch of highway 118 east of downtown Port Carling.

Lions Park on Ferndale Road -year round

Soccer field and space to play, walk, snowshoe. Big plans are in the works for grand improvements to the park including a dog park, bike pump track, accessible walking trail, pickleball courts, accessible playground, and more! Stay tuned! Get involved:

Lions garden at Hanna Park

Doing our part to beautify the community!

Assistive devices loans - year round. We have a collection of assistive devices for loan. Contact us or visit Angela at The Apothecary Shop in Port Carling for loans of assitive devices information.

Peace poster contest -September

For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. Port Carling Lions Club offers this contest to the youth of the area through the local schools.

Effective Speaking Competition for Youth

Lions International invites all 47,000 clubs in 217 countries to hold local effective speaking contests and where possible take local winners on to district and multiple district events recognizing the achievements of local winners. The Port Carling Lions Club supports this inititiave through the local schools. The purpose of the contest is to provide an opportunity for competitive effective speaking and to stimulate self-expression and independent thinking among students.